We have moved! Mango Information Systems (Belgium) is now Alef (Spain).

Blog articles in category business

Business Intelligence

Save Time and Money in Business Intelligence: Test!

How to make a potential 60% saving by integrating automated testing into Business Intelligence Projects

How to Get More Out of Your Business Intelligence Projects - 4 Insider Tips

Pointers for great BI project delivery

Tips from first-hand experience on better business specs (BRS); the importance of teamwork; quality in development and how testing is no luxury.

Side projects

Belgians, twitter and Klout

One year of twitto.be

Figures about the Belgian users of twitter, based on twitto.be data

Twitto.be now has multi-dimensional filters

Introducing twitto.be 0.4

The new version of twitto.be allows powerful filtering on topic, location and language, and uses Klout instead of Kred social media influence score.

Web and social media

A sublime landing page

How to convince visitors to buy on the web

Review of sales techniques successfully applied in a highly converting landing page: sublimetextbook.com

Getting started with Twitter

Using social media for sales conversions

Slide deck of the Getting started with Twitter workshop - December 2nd 2014, @Betacowork

Twitter influencers about sports business in BE/NL

Making-of a ranking

What is the methodology to analyze a social media audience? This post dives into the question and shows our approach to find communities and influencers.

Finding twitter influencers

Comparing Klout, Kred and peerIndex

Study of three major twitter influence ranking scoring systems. is the quality of a Klout, Kred or peerIndex score comparable?

We have moved! Mango Information Systems (Belgium) is now Alef (Spain).